
General FAQs

Genetic assessment is the process of learning about one’s genetic blueprint. This knowledge can then be used to improve the health outcome by adopting a proactive approach to life. Genetic assessment can reveal a wealth of information about nutrition, fitness, lifestyle, immunity and overall wellness.

Diagnostic tests give information about the present state of health, which may vary from time to time. A predictive genetic test, on the other hand, assesses one’s genes to predict the risk or likelihood to develop certain traits and conditions.

The adage, 'prevention in better than cure' still holds true. If your child has a high risk of being lactose or gluten intolerant, of developing health conditions, or has a tendency for developing poor eating patterns, you can take preventive steps at an early age by incorporating healthier nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle habits. This will also make it easier for your child to follow these habits in the future as well. If your child is into fitness and sports, a predictive genetic test can play a role in shaping his/her performance in their choice of sport: the parameters in the report can also suggest the most suitable sport or position in a sport that may be most favorable to your child as per his/her genetic make up.

About My Gene Story’s DNA Reports

There is no limit to the number of reports that you can order. Feel free to discover as much you’d like with My Gene Story’s reports.

Genetics is about likelihood. Like a weather forecast which conveys that the probability of rain is 60%, which means that given the evidence, chances are higher that it will rain, though there is a 40% chance that it may not rain. Not all genetics is like that. In certain genetic conditions called monogenic conditions, the likelihood is 100%. In certain others, it varies all over the place between 99% to 1% . Scientists often combine the likelihood of multiple genes to increase the certainty of the likelihood of a certain event. The proper way to interpret genetic likelihood is to become aware of your likelihood of various things, then verify through other pieces of information, if you can, and act on the side of caution. For example, if genetic tests reveal that certain individuals have a higher likelihood of diabetes, he/she should look for a family history of diabetes and also monitor their blood glucose periodically. They should also take preventive action with regard to diabetes. Not all conditions are easy to spot through family history, like diabetes, this is where genetic testing on a wide range of parameters such as nutrigenomic profile, fitness profile, and profile of other health conditions is highly helpful. In summary, genetic testings most useful to individuals who are knowledgeable, who are curious about themselves, who are proactive about their health, and who know how to understand and use this information in the correct way.

We understand that predictive genetics is a new concept. While My Gene Story’s DNA reports are self-explanatory, you can get counseling support from the stellar team at My Gene Story at a nominal fee. All you have to do is get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to help!

Once your DNA sequence is received, reports will be generated within 3 working days

Please reach out to us with your specific requirements, and we will do our best to cater to your needs.

My Gene Story’s team consists of geneticists, bioinformaticians, doctors, and data scientists from around the world. They are constantly updating their knowledge base and curating best-in-class DNA reports across subject areas. So, if you do not see a report that matches your requirements, simply write to us and we promise we’ll so our best to help you further, even if means creating a report just for you!

We ship worldwide.

About My Gene Story’s DNA Reports

Under normal circumstances, one’s DNA does not change drastically during the lifespan. Therefore, if you already have your DNA sequence, you can simply send it to us for your reports.

You may receive your raw data in .txt format.

The following file formats are acceptable by My Gene Story: .txt, .csv, .xlx .ped, .map, bed, .bim, .fam. However, please get in touch if your’re raw data belongs to companies other than 23&Me, AncestryDNA and MyHeritage.

For every new user, a new account should be created.